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How well-brought up girls became unbeatable warriors. The path from battle glory to modern feminism

The role of women in conflict is often viewed as being on the home front, far away from the front lines of battle. Despite this, the story of Poland’s struggle for independence in the First World War would not be complete without acknowledging the selfless activities undertaken by female volunteers.

One hundred and ten years ago war again came to the vicinity of the city of Kraków. What is now perceived in the West as an unparalleled tragedy, the near collapse of a civilisation and a catastrophe of lost youth was perceived then as a different story, on the verge of three empires: German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian. The outbreak of war marked the end of an unbelievable stability which had lasted more or less since the compromising political treaty conference in Vienna in 1815, with only a short interval for the so-called “Hundred Days” campaign with the Battle of Waterloo in June of the same year – a battle which marked the end of the epic connected to the revolutionary export of Napoleonic civilisation.
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February 15, 2023 - Andrzej Zaręba - History and MemoryIssue 1-2 2023Magazine

Zofia Zawisza was one of the main figures in the auxiliary women’s services of the Volunteer Rifle Group. Photo: Polona Biblioteka Narodowa / public domain

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