Macron’s Eastern Europe rethink
The war in Ukraine and its effects are forcing the newly re-elected French president, Emmanuel Macron, to reshape his foreign policy in the region. As an inflation boom and energy crisis loom, Macron must also reconsider his strategies for Russia, the Balkans and non-EU states such as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
At home, President Emmanuel Macron recently obtained a rock-solid political victory, whatever the pundits might say to minimise his feat. The incumbent managed to be elected for a second time, whereas his two direct predecessors (and political patrons) Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, failed even to make it to the second round of their second presidential races. Moreover, Macron defeated Marine Le Pen (for the second time) by a large, increased and indisputable majority.
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July 15, 2022 -
Cyrille Bret
Hot TopicsIssue 4 2022Magazine
President Emmanuel Macron recently obtained a rock-solid political victory, whatever the pundits might say to minimise his feat.
Photo: macri roland / Shutterstock
Emmanuel Macron, France, Russia, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine