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How a free Belarus can join the anti-Putin coalition

Since the spurious presidential elections of 2020 and subsequent protests, as well as the repressions that have been taking place, we know that Alyaksandr Lukashenka does not represent Belarus. Even more importantly, regardless of the scale of repressions, the Belarusian nation is not the dictator’s property. It continues to fight for its freedom and independence and could be a vital force in ending Russian imperialism once and for all.

The anti-Putin coalition is divided on the question of what tactics should be used against Russia at the time of its war against Ukraine. The main problem in this dispute involves two key conflicting ideas. The first believes that we should take advantage of Putin’s huge mistake of starting a war in Ukraine and now must do everything possible to get rid of Russian imperialism in Central and Eastern Europe.
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July 15, 2022 - Paweł Kowal - Hot TopicsIssue 4 2022Magazine

Many acts of Russian aggression against Ukraine have originated from the territory of Belarus, including rockets attacks. Photo: Valeriya Zankovych / Shutterstock

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