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Russia’s war has turned Hasidic pilgrimage site into safe haven

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has forced many to flee the country’s East. Whilst some have fled abroad, others have found shelter in settlements in other regions. One of these places is Uman, a city renowned for its rich Jewish history.

On the day Vladimir Putin gave the order to launch a “special military operation” to “denazify” Ukraine, Russian rockets fell on Uman, a city between Kyiv and Odesa famous among Hasidic Jews around the world. After more than two months of war, the Jewish quarter surrounding the grave of Tzaddik Nachman of Breslov has turned into a safe haven for people fleeing from fierce fighting.
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July 14, 2022 - Aleksander Palikot - Issue 4 2022MagazineStories and ideas

The Jewish community is serving hot meals to the needy in Uman. Photo: Maria Tymoshchuk

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