The soft power of Ukrainian women will defeat Mordor
ANDRII HOROBCHUK: What motivates women to join the territorial defence? How different are their motivations from men?
IRYNA: In fact, there are many kinds of women. First and foremost, there are female civil volunteers. For example, those who do not have children or have taken their children out of Kyiv but remain here themselves. And they just cannot sit at home. A woman generally needs to take care of someone and keep herself busy. This is the way her psyche works. And that is why there are a lot of women who just come of their own free will and do things to take care of the fighters.
April 25, 2022 -
Andrii Horobchuk
Hot TopicsIssue 3 2022Magazine

A Ukrainian woman joined the territorial defence in Kyiv. Photo: Andrii Horobchuk