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Is the West ready to accept the challenge from Lukashenka?

Is the West ready to raise the stakes when dealing with the regime in Minsk? The answer to this question is not so clear. In fact, western states seem rather confused on how to act while the Belarusian regime continues to issue challenges.

Both Belarusian and Russian officials view the 2020 protests in Belarus as a western attempt to instigate a “colour revolution”. They see the events ultimately as a special EU and American operation in which the Belarusian people did not participate at all. Apparently, the ultimate goal of these protests was to overthrow the Russian authorities rather than simply those in Minsk.
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February 15, 2022 - Valery Karbalevich - Hot TopicsIssue 1-2 2022Magazine

Migrants gathered near a logistics center on the Belarusian side of the border with Poland last November. Even if the migrant crisis on the border has slowed down, it can be resumed at any moment. Photo: Djordje Kostic / Shutterstock

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