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Belarusians find precarious protection in Tbilisi

Georgia remains one of the few countries in the region that has not imposed a travel ban on Belarusian airlines. These continued flights have made Tbilisi an ideal destination for Belarusians who have come to Georgia for political or humanitarian reasons. However, is the government ready and able to guarantee their safety?

In recent years, Georgia’s vibrant capital Tbilisi has been lauded as a top destination for fledgling startups and digital nomads in search of a low cost of living and close connections to Europe. However, since the highly disputed Belarusian presidential elections of 2020 and the onslaught of political persecution following widespread protests in the country, Georgia’s largest city has also become an attractive destination for those fleeing Belarus.
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February 15, 2022 - Mackenzie Baldinger - Issue 1-2 2022MagazineStories and ideas

Activist from Belarus on stage talks to protestors in Tbilisi. Photo: EvaL Miko/Shutterstock

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