Zelenskyy takes on Russia’s information warfare campaign against Ukraine
On February 2nd Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a presidential decree sanctioning Lviv oligarch Taras Kozak’s companies which owns three pro-Russian television channels. Unofficially, these channels are controlled by Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin’s right-hand man in Ukraine. The US election victory of Joe Biden has stiffened western and Ukrainian resolve to take on Russian President Vladimir Putin at a time when he is facing growing opposition at home.
The question of information warfare and disinformation have become hot topics since the 2014 crisis in Ukraine. Nevertheless, one should not assume that this threat was invented by Russian President Vladimir Putin as the Soviet Union had practised dezinformatsiya and mokryie dela (wet affairs – assassinations) for decades.
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April 11, 2021 -
Taras Kuzio
AnalysisIssue 3 2021Magazine
Photo Shutterstock/home for heroes
Donbas, media, Russia, Ukraine, Viktor Medvedchuk, Volodymyr Zelenskyy