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Moldova’s oligarch mayors go global

The experience of Moldova reveals that in Central and Eastern Europe’s highly politicised and oligarchised environment, city diplomacy can be an easy tool for wealthy politicians suspected of corruption to gain more popularity and shield themselves from the judicial system. Ilan Șor and Renato Usatîi have been particularly adept in this realm.

Orhei, a medium-sized city about an hour north of Chișinău, is an unlikely rival to Monaco. Yet mayor Ilan Șor – one of the country’s oligarchs – promised in 2018 that Orhei’s residents would “live as they do” in the European principality. Farther north, in Bălți, mayor Renato Usatîi – yet another oligarch – claimed to have started a revolution in the city’s contacts with the world.
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November 16, 2020 - Cristian Cantir - AnalysisIssue 6 2020Magazine

Ilan Șor hosting the 2018 Liberty Summit in Orhei Moldova/ Photo: Flick profile (CC) of the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (now European Conservatives and Reformists)

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