Crisis in Belarus. How should the West respond?
A special new Policy Paper co-published with the Institute of Central Europe is now available.
October 28, 2020 -
Adam Reichardt
Tomasz Stępniewski
New Eastern Europe

This special series of IEŚ Policy Papers is the result of collaboration between the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin, the New Eastern Europe journal, together with international researchers from American and Canadian universities including Harvard University (George Soroka), University of Alberta (David R. Marples), and European and Polish institutions such as: EAST Center and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Warsaw office (Veranika Laputska), New Eastern Europe (Maxim Rust) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (Agata Kleczkowska). We would like to give our special thanks to the authors for their commitment to providing their input and analysis on Belarus’s domestic situation and how the West should react. We hope that this special series of the IEŚ Policy Papers will be well received by readers and will encourage experts who study Belarusian politics to continue their research.
Download the policy paper here:
Table of contents
Adam Reichardt and Tomasz Stępniewski / Belarus after Presidential Elections 2020
David R. Marples / Breaking the impasse in Belarus
Veranika Laputska / How Europe can respond to the Belarus protests
Maxim Rust / The need for a long-term approach to Belarus changes
George Soroka / The crisis in Belarus: A US perspective
Agata Kleczkowska / Three reasons why the international community should engage with the situation in Belarus