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The 1st edition of the Calvert Journal Film Festival kicks off today

The event will showcase seven days of New East cinema online and all of the titles will be freely available for viewing worldwide.

October 12, 2020 - New Eastern Europe - Events

London-based international magazine The Calvert Journal is ready to kick off the inaugural edition of its new online film festival, set to run from today to 18 October.  The festival will feature 7 titles, screened online for free at calvertjournal.com; each day a different movie will be available for 24 hours.

The programme showcases a range of fiction and non-fiction films. The event will be opened today by Waiting for the Sea, an award-winning documentary short by George Itzhak revolving around an electronic music festival in Uzbekistan’s disappearing Aral Sea. The opening film will be accompanied by an interview with the director, streamed on The Calvert Journal’s official Instagram channel at 19:00 GMT.

Itzahk’s short will be followed by Ivan Salatić’s feature You Have The Night (online premiere, Tuesday 13 October), a harrowing family drama set in a Montenegrin shipyard; Parade (online premiere, Wednesday 14 October), a heartwarming Georgian road trip film by debut director Nino Zhvania; Mariam (online premiere, Thursday 15 October) a drama about the life of a single mother in the Kazakh steppe;Half-Sister, a bittersweet, millennial step-sister drama set in Ljubljana (available on Friday 16 October); Hotshot, Natasza Parzymies’ short film about an unusual women’s prison in Poland (playing on Saturday 17 October), and The Pit, an affectionate documentary portrayal of a community in a hot water swimming pool in Varna that stands for an entire society (closing film, Sunday 18 October).

All of the titles will be freely available for viewing worldwide, with the exception of Hotshot (not available in the Americas, Asia, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal, Netherlands or Belgium).

You can find the full programme of the event here: https://www.calvertjournal.com/filmfestival


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