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Polish and German views on Ukraine and the conflict in Donbas

You are invited to participate in the next debate in the framework of the project titled “Ost/Wschód: German-Polish Debates on the East”. This time, we want to focus on Ukraine and on the armed conflict in the Eastern part of the country. The debate will be streamed live on June 23 2020 at 18.00 CET.

June 23, 2020 - New Eastern Europe - Events

How are Poland’s and Germany’s relations with Ukraine and how did the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the war in Donbas change them? What is the situation in Donbas today, six years after the beginning of the conflict? How are the outcomes of the negotiations in Minsk and in the Normandy format assessed in Germany and Poland? What are the political visions in Poland and Germany for bringing peace to Eastern Ukraine and what role does the European Union play in it?

The debate will feature:
– Germany: Susan Stewart (Head of the Research Division on Eastern Europe and Eurasia, German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin)

– Poland: Tomasz Lachowski (Assistant Professor of International Law at the University of Łódź and editor in chief of Obserwator Międzynarodowy)

The debate will be moderated by Tim Bohse (DRA e. V. in Berlin)

The debate was live streamed on 23 June 2020 at 18.00 via Facebook and YouTube.

You can watch it here:

The debate is co-organised by the Jan Nowak Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe and the Deutsch-Russischer Austausch e.V. (DRA) and sponsored by the Heinrich Boell Foundation’s Warsaw Office as well as the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

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