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Riga in detail

A photostory exploring the city through details that often go unnoticed.

April 7, 2020 - Solveiga Kaļva - PhotoStories and ideas

Even though I was born and raised in Riga, I don’t think I knew the city until I moved to the centre.

It’s more interesting and multifaceted than I once thought. 

In the time of the virus, I meditate through my photography and writing. Both activities demand great focus on details and being present here and now.

My project Rīga detaļās (Riga in Detail) was born at a time when many things are falling apart, while others are thriving.

I wanted to know the city anew, to capture the details of the streets of Riga from one end to the other.

Riga in Detail is going to outlive this virus, and, who knows, maybe even experience a new virus. But this is not a story about viruses, this is a story about Riga, in detail. 

Details that often go unnoticed in the fast pace of a daily rush. 

Details that freeze the present moment.

Details that may not even seem worth noticing. 

Nevertheless – all these details create the face of the city in all its diversity – modesty and pompousness, beauty and ugliness.

The face of the city with springtime butterfly stickers on the ragged walls of Miera Street, half-dry oaks on Valdeķu Street, a mysterious ceramic man in Martas Street, romantic courtyards on Artilērijas Street with graffiti saying “I love you, baby!”. 

Yes, I love you, baby! 

I love you, Riga!

This photostory was first published by Lossi36

Solveiga Kaļva is from Riga, Latvia and a student of the Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies Masters Program at the University of Tartu, Estonia. She is interested in the ways people perceive places, their relationship with places and how a place can portray community and individuals and vice versa. She runs a photo project Rīga detaļās and a travel blog.

All photos copyright Solveiga Kalva

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