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No one will hear us if we scream

The Donbas conflict has been taking place for over five years now. Some significant steps have been achieved since the implementation of the 2015 Minsk Agreements, and with it the official war might have reached an end. Yet, peace remains elusive.
Nataliya wears a Tryzub around her neck. It is a trident, a monogram of the Ukrainian word воля (volia) meaning liberty and known as the official Ukrainian coat of arms. The 66-year-old pink-haired Ukrainian volunteer and activist clutches it firmly as she narrates her ongoing life chapter of being a citizen of Stanytsia Luhanska. This urban settlement on the banks of the Seversky Donets River operates as a border town between Ukraine and the pro-Russian, self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic.
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January 28, 2020 - Omar Marques - Issue 1-2 2020MagazineStories and ideas

PAVLOPIL, UKRAINE- OCTOBER 25: A view of a destryed bridge during the conflict bettwen the Ukrainian army with Pro Russian forces in Pavlopil, Ukraine on October 25, 2019. Photo: Omar Marques

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