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Talk Eastern Europe 25: Extremism in the South Caucasus

How does the situation of extremism look in Georgia and the South Caucasus? How can these countries deal with returning members of ISIS and the challenge of their re-integration? For this and much more, check out the latest episode of Talk Eastern Europe.

December 3, 2019 - Adam Reichardt - Blogs and podcasts

Photo by US DoD / Army Staff Sgt. Timothy R. Koster (CC) U.S. Central Command

In this episode, our co-hosts Adam and Maciek explore the current outlook for Georgia in the realm of security in the wider region of the South Caucasus which also touches the Middle East. They also discuss Georgia’s view of NATO ahead of the high-level NATO meeting in London in December 2019. The episode finishes with Maciek’s interview with Giorgi Goguadze, director at the Georgian Center for Strategy and Development in Tbilisi with a discussion on these issues as well as the situation with violent extremism in the country and region.

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Listen to “Episode 25: Extremism in the South Caucasus” on Spreaker.


Georgia’s long and uncertain road to NATO membership by Giorgi Goguadze, New Eastern Europe issue 5/2019: https://neweasterneurope.eu/2019/08/26/georgias-long-and-uncertain-road-to-nato-membership/

Georgia debates NATO membership excluding defence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, OC Media, https://oc-media.org/georgia-debates-nato-membership-excluding-defence-of-abkhazia-and-south-ossetia/

US base in Georgia – A scarecrow in Russia’s backyard? By Beka Chedia, New Eastern Europe, 4 November 2019: https://neweasterneurope.eu/2019/11/04/us-base-in-georgia-a-scarecrow-in-russias-backyard/

Music featured in the podcast licensed under the Creative Commons license 3.0/4.0:
Intro: Indie Rock by Scott Holmes: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/Road_Trip_Indie_Rock/Indie_Rock_1327

Around the Cliffs by Lobo Loco is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License: https://www.freemusicarchive.org/music/Lobo_Loco/My_Yearnings/Arround_the_Cliffs_ID_1202

This episode is supported by funding from the Polish Embassy in Tbilisi in the framework of the NATO Contact Point Embassy (We thank them for their support!)


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