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A cold summer in Russia. A new wave of repressions and the rise of solidarity

The scale of repression in Russia is now more serious and terrifying than in 2012. At the same time, the Russian public has become more mature and fearless. Independent groups of lawyers provide free legal advice, journalists and activists defend human rights, and various crowdfunding campaigns provide financial assistance to those detained. As a result, prisoners feel encouraged even when they face the brutality of the system.

This summer was marked with a series of unprecedented political protests in Moscow, which started on June 12th and finished on September 29th. First, Russian citizens demanded justice for investigative journalist, Ivan Golunov, who was absurdly charged with the possession of an illegal substance with intent to distribute. Golunov was released days after the charges as a result of pressure from journalists, human rights activists and protesters on the streets of Moscow.
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November 13, 2019 - Artem Filatov - Hot TopicsIssue 6 2019Magazine

A lone picket protest for detained journalist Ivan Golunov in Moscow last June. Golunov was absurdly charged with the possession of an illegal substance with intent to distribute. Photo: Vasily Maximov (CC) commons.wikimedia.org

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