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Talk Eastern Europe Episode 8: The fight against disinformation

This episode of Talk Eastern Europe features a conversation on fighting disinformation with Jakub Kalenský, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center. Prior to joining the Atlantic Council, Kalenský worked for the European Union’s East StratCom Task Force as the team lead for countering disinformation.

March 14, 2019 - Adam Reichardt Maciej Makulski - Blogs and podcasts

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In this episode, Adam Reichardt and Maciek Makulski discuss with Kalenský the differences between disinformation and misinformation, what the West is doing now to combat disinformation and the spread of fake news, and how Russian propaganda works – all ahead of the May EU parliament elections.

Listen to “Episode 8: The fight against disinformation” on Spreaker.

Selected resources mentioned in the podcast:

Disinfo Portal: https://disinfoportal.org/
EUvsDisinformation: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/
StopFake: https://www.stopfake.org/en/news/
Detektor Media (UA) https://detector.media/

Music featured in the podcast licensed under the Creative Commons license 3.0

Opening theme: “Sum of My Fears” by Dazie Mae: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Dazie_Mae/Last_Jazz_in_Paris/03-1518107-Dazie_Mae-Sum_of_My_Fears

Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Tumbling_Dishes_Like_Old-Mans_Wishes/Please_Listen_Carefully 

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