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Can Israel accept Russia in its backyard?

Military intervention in Syria put Russia in Israel’s neighbourhood starting in 2015. This, on top of the 1.4 million Russian-speaking Jews already living in Israel, has made for an interesting dynamic in Russian-Israeli relations.

For contemporary Israel, Russia is not just a country that is more than three thousand kilometres away: Russia is already in Israel. Having absorbed more than one million “Russian” Jews, Israel is not the same anymore. What is more, the Middle East has, again, become a strategic region for the Kremlin. By intervening in neighbouring Syria, and backing Bashar al-Assad in his struggle to stay in power, Russia has made spectacular inroads into Israeli national security debates.
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January 2, 2019 - Agnieszka Bryc - AnalysisIssue 1 2019Magazine

The Israeli government has declared that both countries have a fundamental interest in continuing good relations. The last thing Netanyahu needs is a confrontation with Russia. Photo: Office of the President of the Russian Federation (CC) http://en.kremlin.ru/catalog/persons/40/events/52123/photos



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