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In Between Europe podcast #18 – Energy and Energy Security in Central Europe

In this episode of the podcast In Between Europe, the hosts Zselyke Csaky and Gergely Romsics tackle the important question of energy security in the Central European region.

December 20, 2018 - Zselyke Csaky and Gergely Romsics - Blogs and podcasts

Flaring of unwanted hydrocarbons at a natural gas refinery in the Piceance Basin of Colorado. Photo: Tim Hurst (cc) flickr.com

They talk to András György Deák, senior fellow at the Institute of World Economy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a former consultant to several large energy companies in the region.

History minute: The Function of the Economic Clout


Energy, Russian Influence, and Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe, Expert Forum / NED, May 2017

Eastern Europe is trying to break its dependence on Russian gas. Western Europe is doing the opposite, Rick Noack, The Washington Post, October 2018

The Trojan Horse of Russian Gas, David Koranyi, Foreign Policy, February 2018

The Failure of Economic Nationalism. Central and Eastern Europe before World War II, Ivan T. Berendt, Révue Économique, Année 2000, 51–2, pp. 315–322

Recommended podcast:

Talk Eastern Europe, New Eastern Europe, 2018

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