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Between declarations and reality

Is Ukraine ready to regain control of the occupied part of Donbas?

Ukrainian officials are often under fire from critics due to their inefficiency in defending Ukrainian citizens in the occupied parts of Donbas. Unfortunately the criticism is deserved. Despite the creation of the ministry for the temporary occupied territories in April 2016, it is very difficult to find any positive results since its inception. Creating a ministry of information policy has not improved access to independent information. Even the rebuilding of damaged television towers and the building of new ones has been implemented very slowly and without any real success.
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September 1, 2018 - Paweł Kost - Hot TopicsIssue 5 2018Magazine

Donetsk, March 2014: A group of protesters with a banner that reads “Donbas with Russia”. Four years of hostility with more than 10,000 victims and constant Russian propaganda in the separatist-held territory suggest there are numerous barriers to reintegration. Photo: Vasyatka1 (CC) commons.wikimedia.org

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