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International Symposium 3R: “Revolution, War and their Consequences”

On 16 and 17 March 2018, the International Symposium “Revolution, War and their Consequences” will take place at the Natolin (Warsaw) campus of the College of Europe.

March 5, 2018 - New Eastern Europe - Events

The symposium continues the work of the 3R Project, initiated by the Chair in 2016, and will be dedicated to the events which took place in post 2014 Ukraine and their consequences for the Ukrainian society as well as the international relations in the region and globally.

The participants of the conference will concentrate on the following topics:

  • International reaction to the 2014 events in Ukraine; 
  • The annexation of Crimea and its consequences for Ukraine and Europe;
  • The war in Donbas and its consequences;
  • Memory and justice in times of transformation (Eastern Europe);
  • Information warfare and hybrid warfare.

Among the conference speakers will include key Ukrainian and European officials involved in resolving the crisis in Ukraine: François HOLLANDE, former President of the Republic of France; Arseniy YATSENYUK, former Prime Minister of Ukraine; Sviatoslav SHEVCHUK, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; Adam Daniel ROTFELD, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland; Borys TARASYUK,former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; Mykhailo KOVAL, first Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and former Minister of Defence of Ukraine; Danylo LUBKIVSKY, former Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine; Daniel FRIED, the State Department’s Coordinator for Sanctions Policy, former US Ambassador to Poland; and Refat CHUBAROV, chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar.

A strong body of distinguished scholars will be represented by Prof. Igor GRETSKIY, Prof. Stefan HEDLUND, Prof. Aleksandra HNATIUK, Prof. Yaroslav HRYTSAK, Prof. Andriy MELESHEVICH, Prof. Kálmán MIZSEI, Prof. Serhii PLOKHII, Prof. Kataryna WOLCZUK and much more… 

On the second day of the conference, 17 March 2018, the Ukrainian film by Akhtem SEITABLAEV titled Kiborgy (Eng. Cyborgs: Heroes Never Diewill be screened for the first time in Poland. The film tells the story of a several-weeks-long military duty in September 2014. A group of military volunteers comes to Donetsk Airport which has been held by Ukrainians for more than four months of war. These volunteers are known as Cyborgs. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the film director Akhtem SEITABLAEV and Ivanna DIADIURA.

The programme of the conference is available here. Please note that it might still be subject to some changes.

In order to register please send an e-mail with your name, surname and affiliation to 3r.natolin@coleurope.eu. The registration to the conference is open until 9 March 2018.

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