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Activists fight for Ukraine’s disappearing Soviet mosaics

Following the implementation of Ukraine’s decommunisation law in 2015, many Soviet-era mosaics have faded from the country’s landscape. One group however, is making a stand against their disappearance, arguing that the works hold significant artistic, educational and even touristic value.

The last decade has witnessed the release of countless coffee table books dedicated to Soviet-era architecture, reflecting a growing interest, particularly in Western Europe, in buildings often typecast as “relics of a forgotten future” and “remnants of a failed utopia”, among others. Such interest has veered beyond an affection for the buildings themselves, centring on design elements such as socialist mosaics.
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February 26, 2018 - Elizabeth Short - Issue 2 2018MagazineStories and ideas

A mosaic from a restaurant called “Aristocrat” done by Alla Horska. Photo by Lyubava Illyenko courtesy of the Soviet Mosaics in Ukraine project.



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