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A school like no other

For a quarter of a century the Moscow School of Civic Education, until 2013 known as the Moscow School of Political Studies, has trained over ten thousand graduates. Some of them have become influential figures in Russian political and civic life. Many use the skills and competences gained at the school’s workshops in their everyday life.

In 1992, Lena Nemirovskaya and Yury Senokosov, two Russian civic activists, saw their dream come true, one that was impossible to fulfil in Soviet times. They founded the Moscow School of Political Studies which started academic research in political, civic and social development in Russia. From the very beginning, Lena and Yury knew they could not limit the school’s activity to large urban areas (e.g. Moscow and Leningrad, which soon was renamed St Petersburg) and their goal was to reach out to the youth living in all areas.
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January 2, 2018 - Kacper Dziekan - Issue 1 2018MagazineStories and ideas

Photo (CC) https://pixabay.com/p-610028/


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