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Personal Democracy Forum 2017

March 28, 2017 - New Eastern Europe - Events

pdf cee 2017

Registration is now open for the 2017 Personal Democracy Forum

April 6-7 2017, European Solidarity Centre, Gdańsk, Poland


About The Event

The 5th edition of Personal Democracy Forum will serve as a platform of idea and experience exchange for people working for civic participation and transparency in public life with the help of new technologies in Central and Eastern Europe.

The jubilee edition of Personal Democracy Forum will take place on April 6-7, 2017 in the European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk. It is planned for two days of both experts’ presentations and several interactive workshops. Keynote speeches will be interpreted and recorded in order to be published online for further use. The conference will be streamed on the conference related websites.

At this year’s PDF, we will concentrate on diagnosing the democratic system – what went wrong? Did the system fail us or did we fail? What are the next steps? Find more background for this year’s main theme.

To see the agenda, register and learn more please visit: http://pdfcee17.pl/en/#start 


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