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Essay contest for students in Poland

March 15, 2017 - Adam Reichardt - News Briefs


The role of technology in the development of democracy – a threat or an opportunity?

Social media redefine the way politics work and bring new challenges, such as “fake news” being spread on a mass scale. Traditional media often cannot keep up with the pace of changes and don’t always respond to the needs of the new audience. Traditional media face a tough task to differentiate between fake and real news, a fact and a regular comment, or simply an advertisement that gathers attention.

Essay Contest: Rules and regulations

The contest targets students of universities in Poland.

Essays will be evaluated by a jury that consists of academics representing University of Gdańsk, Jagiellonian University, University of Warsaw, European Solidarity Center, ePaństwo Foundation, and the magazine New Eastern Europe.

Essays have to be written entirely on your own, in English or Polish. The essays can’t be used in a different contest or published before.

Essays have to be sent via email in following formats: *.odt, *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf to joanna.talewicz@epf.org.pl

The essays should have your first and last name, as well as the university you attend, your department, major and the year of your studies.

The essay should have a works cited page and footnotes.

The essay requirements: min. 7 pages (12 600 characters with spaces), max. 20 pages (36 000 characters with spaces). Font size: 12, Times New Roman, 1,5 spaced.

The essays are due March 22, 2017 at 12.00pm

The essays should be sent to joanna.talewicz@epf.org.pl


The authors of the best 3 essays will receive a prize. The best 2 essays will be published in New Eastern Europe. The winners of the contest will be able to attend Personal Democracy Forum CEE 2017, free of entry fee, travel and accommodation costs as well as catering during the conference will be provided by the organizers. 


dr Jacek Kołtan, University of Gdańsk, European Solidarity Center

dr Hanna Machińska, University of Warsaw

dr Małgorzata Kołaczek, Jagiellonian University

dr Iwona Reichardt, New Eastern Europe

Krzysztof Izdebski, ePaństwo Foundation

The jury will choose the best 3 essays. The results will be announced on our website www.pdfcee17.pl and on the event page on Facebook.


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