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Miłosz Festival 2016

You are cordially invited to this year’s edition of the Miłosz Festival, which will take place between June 9 and 12 2016 and is titled “Road-side dog” in reference to Czesław Miłosz’s book with the very same title. 

June 6, 2016 - New Eastern Europe - Events


The Miłosz Festival is the largest celebration of poetry in Poland and in Central Europe. The biggest names of world literature attend every edition. The festival emerged from Meetings of Poets of the East and the West, organised by Wisława Szymborska and Czesław Miłosz in 1997 and 2000 in Kraków. Five years after Czesław Miłosz died, the Polish Book Institute organised first edition of the festival entitled “The Captivated Mind”.

The Miłosz Festival asks an important question about the place of poetry in the modern world. The 4th edition of the festival, inspired by “Book of Luminous Things” by Czesław Miłosz, his private anthology of contemporary world poetry, puts poets in the role of critics of today’s poetry and allows them to predict the condition of this art in years to come.

Krakow was visited by outstanding poets, representatives of many cultures and places in the world – Charles Simic (USA), Robert Hass (USA), Ruth Padel (UK), Valzyna Mort, (Belarus/USA), Marie Lundquist (Sweden), Uroš Zupan (Slovenia), among others.

Since 2014 Miłosz Festival has been organised by Krakow Festival Office and City of Literature Foundation. The organisers proposed new organisational scheme of the Festival and appointed an Honorary Committee and a Programme Board and changed from a biannual to an annual festival.

To see this year’s programme, click here: http://miloszfestival.pl/en/programme/


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