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Photo-report: Odesa remembers May 2nd clashes

On May 2nd 2014, in the wake of the EuroMaidan Revolution, the fleeing of Viktor Yanukovych and growing separatism in the south and east of Ukraine, Odesa became a scene of intense clashes and violence. Fighting broke out between supporters of the Maidan and pro-Russian separatists which resulted in a deadly fire and a total of 48 deaths.

May 3, 2016 - New Eastern Europe - Articles and Commentary


Two years later, Ukrainians came out to commemorate the event. Wojciech Koźmic, New Eastern Europe’s photo-reporter, was on the scene. Below are some of his photos from the commemorations from May 2nd 2016 in Odesa.

These photos show the commemorations organised for the separatist (pro-Russian) victims who lost their lives on May 2nd 2014. Click here to see the photos from the commemorations organised on behalf of the pro-Ukrainian side.

Wojciech Koźmic is a Polish civil society activist and New Eastern Europe’s photo-reporter. His photographs from the EuroMadian, Crimea (just before annexation) and Ukraine’s east have been published in previous issues of this magazine. He blogs at: www.wojciechkozmic.pl.











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