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1 (XV) / 2015: All Quiet on the Baltic Front?

January 1, 2015 - Adam Reichardt - Issue


The January-February 2015 issue of New Eastern Europe has a specific focus on the current situation in the Baltic states which, despite being full-fledged members of NATO and the European Union, now find themselves on the frontlines of the ongoing crisis with Russia. Countries like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are now having to deal with uncertainties surrounding many issues like security, economy and a large Russian minority, many of whom do not hold citizenship and are under the strong influence of Russian-language media.

For many analysts, the year 2014 was an unpredictable year. The poverty of these analysts, as Paweł Kowal argues in the opening text, is to blame for the passivity in regards to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and – if things do not change and we do not start treating Vladimir Putin’s words seriously – will be to blame if such drastic measures as a nuclear attack are undertaken.

Specifically on Ukraine, Russian writer and intellectual Boris Akunin, poignantly points out that in the wake of last year’s events, Russia has lost its closest friend; perhaps for good. In return, it got Crimea under quite controversial circumstances. As Akunin further argues, the future of both Crimea and eastern Ukraine should be decided on by the people who inhabit those territories and he firmly believes they are finally going to be given that choice.

Lastly, in our exclusive interview, former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili vows to return to Georgia and get back involved in Georgian politics one way or another.

Highlights of the issue include:

An opening essay by Paweł Kowal titled: “The Poverty of Analysts”

A series of texts and analyses from the perspective of the Baltic states and Sweden

An exclusive interview with Mikheil Saakashvili

Reflections on Crimea by Lily Hyde, author of Dream Land

An essay by Klaus Bachmann on why Germany won’t lead the West

A call for a renewed focus for the EU’s Eastern Partnership by Rafał Sadowski

An interview with Russian author Boris Akunin

Reports on Bulgarian politics and the media situation in Hungary

Reviews of books from and about the region

Much more …

Click below for the table of contents and a preview of the issue:

The print version of the issue is available via subscription and at newsstands worldwide.  The issue is available digitally on ipads and GooglePlay:
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