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Solidarity Academy 2014: Call for applications

September 4, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - News Briefs

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Invitation to the Solidarity Academy 2014

The European Solidarity Centre and New Eastern Europe are pleased to invite you to the tenth edition of the Solidarity Academy which will be held in Gdańsk from 16th to 22nd November 2014. The Solidarity Academy is an international educational project aimed at maintaining and developing the tradition of the Solidarity Movement. Looking back at the social movement of Solidarity and the peaceful socio-political changes which took place both in Poland and throughout Eastern Europe, we can find an inspiration for solving problems in today’s world. 

During the project, 15 young journalists will have an opportunity to expand their knowledge and learn skills necessary for the work of any young and ambitious journalist or a commentator/columnist who is not indifferent to issues such as geopolitics or liberation movements on both the global and the European scale. The aim of this year’s Solidarity Academy is to raise awareness among young journalists about aspects of multiculturalism and solidarity with nations fighting for freedom as well as integrating young contributors to New Eastern Europe. The Solidarity Academy will help to create  a space for journalists from different backgrounds to meet, share and exchange experiences and initiatives.

Workshops will be both theoretical and practical. Participants will have an opportunity to take part in shared activities but they will also be divided into smaller groups during the journalistic workshops and comfy groups. The result of the journalistic workshops will be the final publication and the debate/panel discussion – fully prepared by the participants with the support of experts. The working language of the Solidarity Academy is English. 

One of the main goals of the project is to create a programme of Solidarity Academy Graduates which will allow the participants to maintain contact and engage together in other projects. That is why, this year, the former participants of previous editions of Solidarity Academy will participate in the workshops as facilitators and assistants. 

Organizers cover the costs of travel (up to 800 zł/200 €) and the participants’ stay in Gdańsk. Click here for the agenda of this year’s Solidarity Academy

The application form is available here 

Please note that all applications must be received by 12th October 2014.

We also invite you to watch the film about Solidarity Academy 2013.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: 

Anna Fedas, Civic Education Specialist

European Solidarity Centre;

T: +48 58 767 79 94;

F: +48 58 767 79 78;

e-mail: a.fedas@ecs.gda.pl.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Gdańsk!


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