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4 (XIII)/2014: Moldova: The Star Pupil of Europe’s East?

September 1, 2014 - Adam Reichardt - Issue


The September-October issue of New Eastern Europe has a special focus on the Republic of Moldova. In this issue, our authors try to help explain the processes that are taking place in this small post-Soviet state which today appears to be looking for its place in Europe. The texts aim to help the reader decide if Moldova is truly indeed the star pupil of Europe’s East, as it is commonly believed in Brussels. Even though we leave the final answer to this question to be still decided on, we are convinced that despite its small size, Moldova plays an important role in regards to the future of the EU’s Eastern Partnership Programme and the community’s relations with Russia.

Naturally, no analysis of the situation in Eastern Europe today can avoid the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and how it affects the arena of international politics. The questions of solidarity in regards to Russia’s aggression come first in a text written by Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, a Polish member of the European Parliament, who argues Russian action in Ukraine is dividing the EU and the member states need to jointly rethink their relations with Russia. Russian political scientist, Sergey Utkin, counters this argument, stating that the sanctions which are currently placed on Russia will be seen as a pretext to wage an even stronger battle against foreign influences at home.

Specifically on Ukraine, our contributors report on the changes that have taken place in this country since the end of the Yanukovych regime. Sergii Leshchenko investigates today’s whereabouts of Ukraine’s oligarchs while Milan Lelich analyses how the military operation in the east is funded by the Ukrainian people, who continue to have little faith in public institutions and state bureaucracy. Additionally, the issue offers analyses on Russia and the impact of its recent policies and behaviour.

Lastly, a special section dedicated to Oskar Kolberg and the musical faces of Eastern Europe (pages 200-244), which includes a complementary music CD, explores the folk roots of this region and its revival today.

The issue also includes:
  • A discussion on Putin’s support by Boris Dubin from the Levada Centre

  • A profile of Alexander Dugin by Anton Shekhovtsov

  • An interview with Nikolai Malishevski on Belarusian state ideology

  • A report on Armenia labour migration to Russia

  • Much, much more

For the table of contents and a preview of the issue click below:

This issue includes a complimentary music CD titled the Musical Faces of Eastern Europe and is a part of the special section on Oskar Kolberg


The print version of the issue is available via subscription and at newsstands worldwide.  

The issue is available digitally on ipads and GooglePlay:




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