Statement on behalf of the Publisher and Editors
July 27, 2014 -
New Eastern Europe
News Briefs
The publisher and the editorial team of the English-language bimonthly magazine New Eastern Europe confirm that the magazine has not been cooperating with Jakub Korejba for more than one year. In the past, Mr Korejba published a few articles on our website and one in the paper edition of the magazine (Jan-Mar 2013).
The reason for breaking cooperation with Mr Korejba concerns his recent publications in Russia which have surprised us and are difficult to be called anything other than service to Kremlin propaganda. The editorial team of New Eastern Europe does not identify with the views expressed by Mr Korejba and finds them anti-Polish, anti-Ukrainian and overall in contradiction to the values that are shared by democratic states.
For this reason, we also believe that our magazine (in its paper and internet editions) is not a platform that Mr Korejba would find attractive for promoting his messages.