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An Unfinished Memory

The Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków announces the opening of a new permanent exhibition, An Unfinished Memory: Jewish Heritage and the Holocaust in Eastern Galicia, by photographer and essayist Jason Francisco.  

The new exhibition complements the Museum’s acclaimed core exhibition, Traces of Memory:  A Contemporary Look at the Jewish Past in Poland, by Chris Schwarz and Jonathan Webber.  With the new exhibition, the Museum realizes its long-held goal of extending its thoughtful and provocative approach to the Jewish past to the whole of historical Galicia, including the eastern section that is today in Ukraine.

June 16, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - Events

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In keeping with Traces of Memory, Francisco’s An Unfinished Memory invites visitors not just to gaze upon but to read the everyday world for the sake of Jewish memory.  In dramatic photographs and incisive texts, An Unifinished Memory studies the continued existence of Jewish heritage in eastern Galicia, the continuing impact of the Holocaust on the social geography of western Ukraine, and the challenges of remembrance and preservation.

Exhibition preview with curator and photographer Jason Francisco: June 18, 19:00

Exhibition opening: July 1, 2014 at 19:00


Ada Kopeć – Pawlikowska

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