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Ukraine Has a New President

On May 25th 2014, Ukrainians went to the polls to elect a new president. These were the first elections since the EuroMaidan Revolution ousted Viktor Yanukovych at the end of February 2014.

According to exit polling data, Petro Poroshenko, the Roshen-owning chocolatier who supported the Maidan against Yanukovych, has won in the first round with between 55.7 per cent and 57.3 per cent of the vote (source: Ukrainska Pravda; Ramuzkov Centre; TNS).

May 25, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - Articles and Commentary

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During his victory speech, Poroshenko has said that he will focus on unity of Ukraine, battling corruption and continue Ukraine’s new course on the European path. “This vote is for Europe,” Poroshenko said.  

Photo by shutterstock 

But the elections were not without problems. There were many reports of long lines in various voting polling stations (especially in Kyiv where turnout was high). There were also many areas in the east of the country where no voting took place at all.

Nevertheless, Poroshenko has said his first trip as president will be to Donetsk in an attempt to focus on unifying the country.


According to the TNS Exit polling data:

Petro Poroshenko wins in first round – 57.3 per cent

Yulia Tymoshenko – 12.4 per cent

Oleh Lyashko – 8.7 per cent

Anatoliy Hrytsenko – 6 per cent

Elections photos by Wojciec Koźmic




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