NEE Invites You to a Conference in Ukraine!
We invite scholars, undergraduate and post-graduate students and practitioners from Ukraine and other countries who carry out research in the field of international relations to take part in the Third Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Trends in International Relations: Politics, economics, law” held on April 25th 2014 at the Faculty of International Relations of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
March 20, 2014 -
New Eastern Europe

Working languages:
Ukrainian, Russian, English, and Polish.
Registration fee:
100 UAH for the publication of abstracts, 200 UAH for the publication of an article (mailing fees are not included).
Meals, travel, accommodation and mailing fees are covered by the participants of the conference. The Organising Committee provides assistance in booking accommodation.
The conference will be conducted in the following sections:
Section I – International relations and country studies:
International relations and world politics;
Integration in international relations;
Ukraine in the contemporary international relations;
The History of International Relations;
Country studies and International Tourism.
Section II – Modern Research in International Law:
Public International Law;
Private International Law;
European and Comparative Law.
Section III – The World Economy and International Economic Relations
Modern vector of the global economy;
International trade and commercial diplomacy in the modern world;
International financial markets in the era of economic globalization;
Formation of a New Economic World Order.
Participation and Registration:
To take part in the conference, participants must send an e-mail to until April 8th 2014 with: an article or abstracts; images and photos (if they are used in the report), which are attached as separate JPEG or JPG files.
Students and graduates (NOT PhD students) must send: a scanned copy of the review by the supervisor (a person with an academic degree or a university lecturer), certified with the stamp of the faculty.
The application form is filled out online:
In the subject of an e-mail, please note the title and the date of the conference – ІІІ ISPC 25.04.14. The names of the files should contain the surname of the participant (Ivanenko_abstract/ Ivanenko_article, Ivanenko_application).
The Organisation Committee of the conference reserves the right to select and edit the received materials, without changing their substantive content. Reports, arranged without complying with the requirements or sent after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
NOTE: All materials will be checked for plagiarism. If such evidence is discovered, the materials will not be published.
Requirements for arranging the reports:
– The text of the report should be presented in Microsoft Word (*doc).
– The volume of abstract – up to 5 pages, article – up to 10 pages.
– Page format – A4, no numbering of pages.
– Fields: top, bottom and right – 15 mm, left – 20 mm.
– Paragraph indent – 1.25 mm.
– Formulas should be given in a separate line with 1 cm space on the left and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right side of the page, aligned with the right edge. Do not leave any additional space before and after the formulas.
– Tables and illustrations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Captions for figures, tables and text titles should be given in font Times New Roman Cyr, 9 pt. The word “Table …” – is given in a separate line on the right. From the new line should be given the title of the table. Notes to the table should only be given in the text. Illustrations are signed below. Captions for tables and illustrations are centered. All tables and figures should fit the size of the text!
– Figures and illustrations (black and white, with shades of gray) should be put in the main text of the report and attached additionally as separate JPG or JPEG files.
– The bibliography list should contain at least three items. Sources should be given without repetitions in the order they appear in the text. Bibliography references in the text are given in square brackets specifying the number of the source and page(s) (example [3, p. 154]).
– Articles should contain summaries and key words in two languages (English and language of the report). Abstracts do not need summaries and keywords!
– The registration fee is paid after receiving confirmation of acceptance from the Organising Committee until April 10th 2014. To get additional information, please contact the coordinators of the conference.
Organising Committee Contact Information:
79000, Ukraine, Lviv, Sichovych Striltsiv St. 19,
Faculty of International Relations
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Coordinator of the conference:
Zoriana Zazuliak
Chairman of the Council of Young Scholars