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Conflicts of Memory

Conflicts of memory belong to the key problems of the present day. It is an area debated by politicians, historians, sociologists, artists, writers, and museum experts… Protecting memory and disputing memory are often inseparable from each other.

March 11, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - Events

11.03.2014 herito

The latest issue of Herito presents comments on memory from renowned intellectuals, including Robert Traba, Sharon Macdonald, Stanisław Obirek, Ewa Chojecka, Maciej Czerwiński, and Agnieszka Zabłocka-Kos.

The Gallery of the International Cultural Centre is currently holding an exhibition titled “Memory. Registers and Territories,” which depicts the problem of memory from the perspective of contemporary artworks. While such artists as Mirosław Bałka, Zuzanna Janin, Robert Kuśmirowski, Robert Maciejuk, Artur Żmijewski and others, use art to speak about memory, the newest issue of Herito broadens this subject matter and shifts its context. It does so by discussing the 20th-century history of Yugoslavia, exhibitions created for new historical museums, post-socialist nostalgia and the complete opposite of memory – the need to forget.

Conflicts of memory are related to individual memory – mine, yours, hers/his… and to collective memory – ours, yours, theirs… “From the biological point of view, collective memory does not exist. For each social group, however, defining itself as we, a canon of references to the past is needed to create their own coherence rooted in the past and directed towards the future,” says Robert Traba, historian specialising in studies on memory. We constantly face the responsibility to remember; often we are also compelled to forget. There are tools of memory, such as museums, archives and historical books.

Herito quarterly is a forum for discussion of the major questions in contemporary culture, heritage and art. The point of departure for these reflections is Central Europe. The magazine is a valued participant in international debate on culture. It is a bilingual, Polish-English publication.

Herito is available in quality bookstores, including the bookstore of the ICC (Main Square 25, Krakow and the internet bookstore: www.mck.krakow.pl/bookshop )

Price: 19 zł

An electronic version of Herito for mobile devices is available from Google Play and App Store in two language versions: Polish and English.

Price: 3,59 EUR


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