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NEE Invites You to a Conference on the Caucasus!

The conference “The Caucasian Knot: The Contemporary Problems and Challenges of the Region”, held in Poznań on April 11th-12th is aimed at students, PhD students and researchers interested in the broader issue of the Caucasus region. The conference will be summarized by plenary lectures delivered by Caucasus experts.

March 10, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - Events

10.03.2014 uam

The aim of the conference is to highlight the situation in the north and south Caucasus from the political, social, economic and cultural point of view. Taking part in the meeting also facilitates the integration of the academic society, creates conditions for cooperation between research units and allows for the discussion of the current situation in the Caucasus region and the prospects for its development.

Discussion topics:

  • the north and south Caucasus on the international stage (relations with NATO, EU, and the United States; integration with EU and NATO, etc);
  • security policy;
  • domestic policy (state machinery, elections, reforms, the political scene, etc.);
  • the internal situation (conflicts, wars, threats, etc..);
  • society (national identity, ethnic minorities, migrations, nationalism, etc.);
  • the economic situation in the Caucasus region;

Expected number of speakers: 20

Presentation duration: 15-20 minutes

Languages: English, Polish, Russian

Themed panel discussions are planned.

The deadline for applications and abstracts (200-300 words) is 10th March 2014.

Conference fees:

200 PLN        – meals during the conference (dinner after the first day included).

250 PLN        – accommodation for one night and meals during the conference (dinner after the first day included).

300 PLN        – accommodation for two nights and meals during the conference (dinner after the first day included).

For more information please contact the organisers through email: konferencjakaukaska2014@gmail.com.


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