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Call for Papers

The Centre for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw (STUDIUM EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ UW) is organising the Warsaw East European Conference, Eleventh Annual Session, to be held in Warsaw, July 10th-14th, 2014.

February 13, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - Events

13.02.2014 weec2

THE WARSAW EAST EUROPEAN CONFERENCE will be held under the distinguished patronage of the Rector Magnificus of the University of Warsaw, Professor Marcin Pałys.

This year the conference will be devoted to the 25 years of political and constitutional transformations and socio-economic changes in Central and Eastern Europe. We will identify and explain the different change trajectories within the post-communist world, analyse political and cultural transformation. We will continue debate on history and remembrance, media and communications, national identity and nation building in postcommunist
countries. We will focus on Triumphs and Failures of the region after 1989: – 25 years later.

Below we present a list of general topics of the Conference:



Civil Society, Rule of Law

Communism, Post-Communism


Deportations, Gulags

East vs. West

Eastern Partnership


Energy Security, NATO, Regional Security

Financial Crisis




Nations, Nationalities, National Conflicts, Nation Building



The Conflict of Historical Memories in the Region

Transformation, Democratization

The West in the Post-Communist World

In the process of registration you will be able to choose one topic related to your presentation.


APPLICATION FORMS as well as PAPER PROPOSAL FORMS, ABSTRACT SUBMISSION AND ACCOMMODATION ISSUES are handled by the Internet Registration System found at: www.studium.uw.edu.pl/weec. Please follow instructions found on the site in filling in the correct forms. Please note that participants with individual papers will be brought together into panel groups.

THE PAPER PROPOSALS, full papers and their abstracts must be written in English. However, in exceptional cases, the Conference organizers will allow some presentations in the panels to be delivered in Polish, on condition that a
comprehensive written summary or the entire text in English is made available to the audience and the organizers. The Programme board (conf.studium@uw.edu.pl) must be informed earlier (no less than 1 month in advance).


We are ready to consider other subjects of presentation broadly reflecting the main theme of the Conference. Panels may be proposed under these conditions:
1. the theme of the panel has to reflect the main theme of the Conference,
2. the applicant proposing the panel must guarantee 3 – 4 participants,
3. the applicant or one of the participants has to be the Chair of the proposed panel.
Furthermore, if the conditions are fulfilled, a discussant can also be assigned to the panel.

Proposals are to be submitted directly to the secretary of Programme board on conf.studium@uw.edu.pl


THE CONFERENCE will be held in the Old University Library building at the University of Warsaw historical main campus, in the historical centre of Warsaw, at 26/28, Krakowskie Przedmieście Street.


THE CONFERENCE will begin on Thursday, July 10 at 11 AM, and end on Monday July 14th at 6 PM, 2014. Further information concerning schedules will be delivered to registered participants by email and the registration system.


JAN MALICKI – Conference Director, director of the Centre for East European Studies

JOHN S. MICGIEL – head of the WEEC Programme Board, visiting professor at the Centre (Columbia University)

WIKTOR ROSS – secretary of the WEEC Programme Board, professor at the Centre

LESZEK ZASZTOWT – professor at the Centre

ANDRZEJ ŻBIKOWSKI – professor at the Centre

DAVID KOLBAIA – professor at the Centre

RIGELS HALILI – professor at the Centre

KAZIMIERZ WÓYCICKI – professor at the Centre

WITOLD RODKIEWICZ – professor at the Centre

MARIUSZ KOWALSKI – professor at the Centre

JERZY KOZAKIEWICZ – professor at the Centre

MYKOLA RIABCHUK – visiting professor at the Centre

RAYMOND TARAS – professor at the Centre, Distinguished Fulbright Chair (Tulane University)

LUDWIKA WŁODEK – professor at the Centre


JAN MALICKI – Conference Director, director of the Centre for East European Studies

ALOJZY NOWAK – Vice-Rector of the University of Warsaw for Research and International Relations


ALL PARTICIPANTS of the WEEC are obliged to pay the registration fee. Speakers must pay the fee at least one month in advance, until June 10th, 2014. Listeners may pay on the first day of the conference.


PARTICIPANTS of the WEEC 2014 are responsible for covering all travel and
accommodation costs.

WEEC organizers will no longer provide free accommodation to participants of the Conference. However, registered speakers will be offered half-paid accommodation (€8 per night) in University student hostels, double rooms. For listeners of the Conference paid accommodation (at a reduced price € 16 per night) in Warsaw University student hostels and hotels can be arranged.


THE REGISTRATION SYSTEM WEBSITE, beginning from June 10th, 2014, will provide information concerning accommodation in Warsaw University student hostels.

PLEASE note that reservations for these hostels may only be handled through completing a certain step in the process of internet registration at www.studium.uw.edu.pl/weec.

PLEASE send all the questions concerning accommodation to hotel.conf.studium@uw.edu.pl.


1. East and Central European non-EU countries, Russia, Caucasian and Central Asian

Speakers registration payment on the Warsaw University bank account till June 15:

– scholars (incl. Ph.D. students) – 50 €* (equivalent of 50 € in PLN**)

– students – 20 €* (equivalent of 20 € in PLN**)

Listeners registration payment at the Conference in July, in Polish Zlotys

– scholars (incl. Ph.D. students) – 15 €* (equivalent of 15 € in PLN**)

– students – 15 €* (equivalent of 15 € in PLN**)

2. Poland and the EU “new” countries:

Speakers registration payment on the Warsaw University bank account till June 15:

– scholars (incl. Ph.D. students) – 60 €* (equivalent of 60 € in PLN**)

– students – 30 €* (equivalent of 30 € in PLN**)

Listeners registration payment at the Conference in July:

– scholars (incl. Ph.D. students) – 15 €* (equivalent of 15 € in PLN**)

– students – 15 €* (equivalent of 15 € in PLN**)

Students and graduates of the Centre for East European Studies- free of charge

3. Other countries:

Speakers registration payment on the Warsaw University bank account till June 15:

– scholars (incl. Ph.D. students) – 120 €* (equivalent of 120 € in PLN**)

– students – 60 €* (equivalent of 60 € in PLN**)

Listeners registration payment at the Conference in July:

– scholars (incl. Ph.D. students) – 15 €* (equivalent of 15 € in PLN**)

– students – 15 €* (equivalent of 15 € in PLN**)

* – Payment from abroad:

Bank name: Bank Millennium S.A.

Bank address:

Al. Jerozolimskie 123 A 02-017 Warszawa



PL64 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9207

Account number:

64 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9207

Ref: University of Warsaw, Studium WEEC

** – Payment in Poland in Polish zlotys (PLN)

on the University of Warsaw bank account till June 15th.

Bank Millennium S.A.

Al. Jerozolimskie 123 A

02-017 Warszawa

Account number:

08 1160 2202 0000 0000 6084 9633

Ref: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Studium WEEC


The WEEreview presents the articles concerning the post-communist world – its politics, history, economics, cultural and linguistic issues. The WEEReview publishes the best papers presented by the participants of the annual Warsaw East European Conference, which gathers scholars from the region (the post-Soviet countries, East-Central Europe, the Balkan countries, Turkey) as well as those from other regions (Western Europe, the United States, Australia and Canada). Current issue of WEEReview presents the papers from several previous conferences. In the review they have been grouped according to the geographical key in the follow sections: East-Central Europe, Russia, South Caucasus, Turkey and Central Asia.


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