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Ukrainians Don’t Want to Kneel

After the morning’s brutal breakup of the pro-European protesters at Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), around 20,000 people came to the square near the St. Michael’s Cathedral, inside which the young students from the Maidan had taken shelter from the police in the morning.

December 1, 2013 - Maksym Khylko - Articles and Commentary

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People called November 30th “Bloody Saturday”, and promised never to let let the police beat their children again.

On December 1st 2013, at 12:00 PM local time, the opposition expects about 2000,000 demonstrators to gather at the monument to the famous Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, and head to Maidan (Independence Square). They do not want Ukraine to become a second Belarus.

Ukrainians are going to defend their choice of European values. And they hope that the EU’s support will be more resolute than just helpless statements.

Otherwise Kyiv’s Maidan of 2013 may become a Beijing’s Tiananmen of 1989.

Maksym Khylko is a research fellow at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. He holds PhD in Philosophy and an MA in International Relations. Between 2001-2010 he worked as a political and media analyst and consultant. 

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