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East Central Europe. In Anticipation of the Empire’s Return?

November 20, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



In 1989, as a result of the economic transformation in states that belonged to the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the political order in East-Central Europe collapsed. In Poland, the 1980s are still recognized as years of the Solidarity movement, as a symbol of change and new order.  In 1991, four countries from former the Soviet bloc formed an alliance called the Visegrád Group. What is the current position of these countries on the international arena? Is it possible to conduct collaborative policy between Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia? What type of political integration should we choose?

Throughout the 1990s, Russia was mired in an internal crisis, but since Vladimir Putin became President in 2000, the process of restoring its power has begun. What are the consequences of that policy for the East-Central Europe? Does the growing political influence of the Russian Federation observed in recent years mean that the empire will return? And if so, how will the countries of the former Soviet Union and the Soviet bloc respond to this situation? For these and many other questions, our experts will try to find the answer. Panelists include Professor Andrzej Nowak, Professor Krzysztof Szczerski from the Jagiellonian University, former Hungarian ambassador to Poland Ákos Engelmayer, and PhD students from across Europe.


Free online registration: http://easteurope.evenea.pl/ 

For more information visit: http://studencidlarp.pl/easteurope/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1431699033717156/?fref=ts 


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