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Europe With a View to the Future

November 1, 2013 - Example Author - Bez kategorii



The European Solidarity Centre cordially invites you to the conference "Europe With a View to the Future", which will be held in Gdansk on November 7th-8th, 2013.

Will the Eastern Partnership bring Eastern neighbours together with the European Union, or is it just an European excuse? How much idealism and how much realism can we find in the EU Neighbourhood Policy in the South and the East?

These are the questions worth asking on the eve of the 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. The participants of the 2nd International Conference "Europe With a View to the Future" will try to answer them. The conference will take place in Gdansk on November 7th-8th. We invite you to register via the link at the bottom of the page.

The Conference "Europe With a View to the Future" will take place a few days before the 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, where the Association Agreement is planned to be signed with Ukraine and to be initialed with Georgia and Moldova.

This is a first institutional step bringing three Eastern Partnership countries together with the EU. The conference in Gdansk is an opportunity to summarise and rate the efficiency of the Eastern Partnership project and to compare it with the Neighbourhood Policy towards South.

For more information visit: http://ecs.gda.pl/Europa_z_widokiem_na_przyszlosc


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