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The 5th Edition of the Baltic Business Forum Has Ended

October 30, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs

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The 5th edition of the Baltic Business Forum has ended.

Over 160 participants took part in this year’s edition of the Baltic Business Forum in Świnoujście, Poland. During the conference they discussed international Europe-North-East cooperation.

Eight thematic panels gathered ministers, public administration representatives, leaders of government departments, well-known experts, representatives of NGOs and companies that maintain relations with Middle-Eastern European countries. The participants represented a wide range of nations: Lithuania, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Russian Federation, Norway, Finland, Ukraine and Poland.

The Polish Vice-Prime Minister, the Minister of Economics Janusz Piechociński together with the Lithuanian Vice-Minister of Energetics Renata Cytacka inaugurated the conference. After their speeches the main session concerning the role of the Federation of Russia in the development of the economic cooperation in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe begun. Many Polish and Russian specialists discussed international economic relations. This panel was lead by Maria Przełomiec, a TVP Info journalist.

During the next two days many experts discussed the specialist issues e.g. business financing, the defence industry, energy, transportation, economy and public administration. There was also a very interesting discussion about Ukraine – its place in Europe, perspectives and possibilities of development.

The Baltic Business Forum is a place that gathers experience and points of view of many specialists and gives the possibility of substantial discussion that leads to strengthening the relations and integration of the Baltic Sea countries. The conference gives the possibility for an international dialogue, discussing topics important for international cooperation and finding the best solutions for existing problems.

In the experts' opinion, there is a need for the organisation of such events that strengthen the cooperation of Baltic Sea countries. This is the reason why next year there will certainly be another edition of the Baltic Business Forum. 

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