Discourses of Modernization
October 20, 2013 -
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News Briefs

On October 25-27th editors of Res Publica Nowa (Poland) and Krytyka, (Ukraine) are organising an international conference in Kyiv on the new wave of modernization and the media.
Over 40 editors of intellectual journals from over 14 countries (Eastern Partnership, Visegrad, Austria, Germany and Russia) will discuss the theme of technology and democracy in a global context: Discourses of Modernization. Adam Reichardt, the editor-in-chief of New Eastern Europe, will be participating in this discussion.
“The world is at the brink of a new wave of modernization marked by unprecedented high-tech advancement. Yet this might well be story of another ideology, with false idols and dead ends” write organizers in the introduction to the conference.
The event is sponsored by: the International Visegrad Fund, Google, the Polish-German Cooperation Fund, the Polish Institute in Kyiv. The consortium is holding this discussion as a part of the multi-annual program Free Speech Partnership of Res Publica Nowa. Its aim is to connect opinion leaders from the region and express joint communications on issues of global importance.
Previous conferences took place in Kyiv in 2011, and Warsaw 2010. Next year’s conference will take place in Moldova and in 2015 it will be held in Poland. For those interested to join the event please write at redakcja@res.publica.pl. Number of places for guests is limited. More info at publica.pl
New Eastern Europe is a member of the Free Speech Partnership.