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Calling Aspiring Journalists to Rewrite Europe!

October 16, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



Fed up of reading the same old Euro crisis articles? The Europe & Me Young Journalist Award is giving young Europeans the chance to win a €500 cash prize, online publication, and an invitation to a journalism workshop in Berlin or Hamburg for writing about Europe in a fresh, personal and transnational way!

E&M is looking for engaging journalistic articles of 1500–2000 words, written by under-30s from the EU, partner and neighbouring countries, who are not professionally employed as a journalist. Submissions can be on any European topic as long as it’s approached transnationally (in a way that makes it directly relevant to at least two European countries). We suggest you read the latest E&M magazine to get ideas!

The Prizes

Entries will be assessed by the E&M editorial board, with shortlisted articles then judged by an expert panel of media professionals. The first prize submission will be awarded €500, two runners-up will receive €150 each. All three finalists will be invited to a journalism workshop scheduled to be held in Berlin or Hamburg, 2014. All shortlisted articles will be published online in a special edition of E&M magazine.

Submissions will be assessed on:

Demonstrating a fresh, individual approach and writing with a distinctive journalistic style.

Success in including and reflecting on the experiences and opinions of young Europeans, and utilising a transnational approach (ensuring relevance to two or more European countries).

Ensuring well evidenced writing that demonstrates original research. This may be in the statements of protagonists, testimonies, experts, academics, journalists, representatives of different positions or conflict parties etc.

The use of audio, video, multimedia etc. as supporting materials or as part of the text is encouraged. It is, however, not essential.

Possible topics could be:

Migration reversed – will the young generation leave Europe behind?

Erasmus Love – how transnational dating makes Europe a better place!

Generation internship – is Europe throwing away its potential?

How the EU became the ECB-U, the ESM-U and the EMF-U – and what this means for European democracy.

Yugoslavia, k. &. k., & Co. reloaded – what can Europe learn from multiethnic realms in the past?

Srebrenica, Sirte, Ghuta – why there is no such thing as a European foreign policy, and why there should be.

Growing up in the countryside – is Europe good for everybody?

How to enter:

Please enclose your submission, a brief CV and contact information (name, address, email, date of birth) to award@europeandme.eu by 1st of November, 2013 (midnight, CET). For any questions regarding the award please write to us at the same email address.

Before applying please read carefully the Terms of submission.

You can also download here the Call for entries as well as the Official Press release. 

For more information visit: http://www.europeandme.eu/award


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