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The 7th Sputnik Film Festival

September 1, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



Together with the Bemowskie Cultural Centre we cordially invite you to a party to announce the 7th Russian film festival Sputnik nad Polską, which will take place on September 21st at the amphitheater in Warsaw Bemowo.

Russian films and cartoons will be shown in a special film tent from 1pm. There will also be workshops and animations for our younger visitors, contests with fabulous prizes and cooking demonstrations of Russian cuisine. At our partners stands you will be able to buy souvenirs, books and other traditional makings from Russia and the Jakucja district.

Fans of long journeys are invited to take part in discussions with interesting guests, who will tell us about their Siberian voyages and present films and pictures made during their voyages.

In the evening, guitarist and vocalist Michael Konstrat will take his listeners on a reflective journey through the ballads and romances from the repertoire of the Russian bards. At the end of the event a great and lively pack of musicians – Samokhin Band – will present its newest programme “Perestroika” – famous Russian songs in their original arrangement.

Come and join us at Bemowo! It will really be worth it !

For more information visit: http://www.sputnikfestiwal.pl/2013/aktualnosci


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