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Towards a New Deal – The 23rd Economic Forum

August 15, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



New Eastern Europe is pleased to invite you to the 23rd Economic Forum which will take place on September 3rd – 5th in Krynica, Poland.

The most significant figures from the world of politics and business from Central and Eastern Europe will have an opportunity to meet during the forum. Among the invited guest include: Jean Arthuis, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, Janusz Piechocinski, Michał Boni, Inigo Fernandez de Mesa, Dieter Bingen and much more.

This edition’s motto, “Towards a New Deal”, refers to the economic, social and political transformations which have resulted from the global economic crisis. 150 events such as: panel discussions, plenary sessions and report presentations will take place. The panels will be devoted to topics as macroeconomics, international politics, energy, innovation and health care.

Other important topics of the forum include: issues related to the eurozone; reducing the economic distance between “the new” and “the old” EU member states; the signing of the Association Agreements with the countries of the Eastern Partnership; and the development of a new cooperation model between the EU, Russia and China.

For more information please visit: http://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/xxiii-economic-forum-2013/?lang=en#.Ugyo-BY73-l


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