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6th Annual SEE Private Equity & Venture Capital Forum

July 30, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs

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Building on the success of our 2012 SEE Private Equity Conference in Bucharest, our 2013 SEE Private Equity and Venture Capital Forum will provide a platform for international and regional investors and market stakeholders to meet and discuss the future of the Southeast European Private Equity and Venture Capital markets.

Conference Sessions:

1. Market trends and analysis, regulatory environment, investment climate.

2. Raising capital in challenging conditions

3. Venture Capital & Angel Investment

4. Doing business in SEE

5. M&A trends and developments in SEE – Outlook into 2013-2014

For more information and any questions please contact Merima Dzanic at E.E.L. Events, email: merima.dzanic@eelevents.co.uk tel: +44 207 275 8020.

Visit the website for further information: http://www.eelevents.co.uk/see_private_equity_2013/

New Eastern Europe subscribers are eligible for a 25% discount on registration, please contact the organiser for more information.


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