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Call for Contributions – New Eastern Europe’s “New Voices”

May 21, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs

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Are you a student or young researcher interested in Central and Eastern Europe? Would you like to write for the online edition of an international non-profit magazine? New Eastern Europe is looking for students and researchers interested in Central, Eastern and South-East Europe and Russia to contribute to a new online column!

Based in Krakow, Poland, New Eastern Europe is a print and web journal focusing on Central and Eastern European affairs. New Eastern Europe is not a scholarly journal, but takes a more journalistic approach with commentary/analysis from journalists, experts, analysts, writers, historians, as well as leaders and political figures from the East and West.

Our most recent project is a new column on our website called New Eastern Europe's New Voices, or simply New Voices for short, where students can publish articles, interviews and research about the region. We are looking for writers who can give a new perspective on the region, while keeping the same high standards of the articles published by New Eastern Europe. This is an opportunity for you to write about what interests you the most about the region and gain valuable journalism experience.

We are looking for political commentaries and analysis, interviews and reports, as well as articles on art and culture and book and film reviews. All articles should be related to the region of Central and Eastern Europe and written in a journalistic style in English (our editors will edit and proofread for language readability). Texts should be between 7,000 and 10,000 characters, or 1,200-1,500 words.

Check the website to get a feel for the kinds of materials we publish (www.neweasterneurope.eu).

For questions and contributions please contact Giacomo Manca – giacomo.manca[at]new.org.pl

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The Editors


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