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Call For Participants! Caucasus International Summer School

May 7, 2013 - Example Author - Bez kategorii

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Logo Caucasus International Summer School.jpg

Call for participants! Caucasus International Summer School

The "Caucasus International Summer School" is going to take place 8th to 12th July 2013 in Dimaro (Trento, Italy).

Understanding the Caucasus today is of crucial interest to students of democratic transition, conflict transformation, international law and minorities’ rights.

The Caucasus International Summer School constitutes a unique opportunity for approaching, with high level international scholars from various disciplines, what makes the South Caucasus a priority in contemporary international studies. The summer school takes place in a relaxed atmosphere of the Italian Alps surrounded by amazing mountain landscapes.

The summer school is especially tailored to PhD students and PhD holders, bringing together world leading regional experts, and is jointly organised by Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso and the University of Trento – Department of Law.

The deadline for application is 20th May 2013. Some partial scholarships are available.

For more infromation on how to apply please visit the summer school website: http://events.unitn.it/en/ciss2013


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