4th Annual Emerging European Investment Products
April 28, 2013 -
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News Briefs

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With the continuing Eurozone crisis and threats of further sovereign debt insecurities, it is no easy matter to know which investment products will offer a profit. However, in a game dominated by risk profiling and stress-testing, it appears that lady luck has shone a light on innovative investment products as a good option during this financial upheaval.
Despite recent economic doubts, Poland still stands resolute as a growing market for new products and open to bold market makers. Other countries in the emerging markets of Europe are waking up to the potential of innovative investment products, such as Turkey.
Our 4th Annual Forum will review and analyse the product offering from 2012/2013 and showcase opportunities for 2013/2014 and beyond. This analysis will include the steadily maturing ETF industry and the various trading platforms that are offering their sale.
As well as learning about key regulatory updates over the last 12 months, this year’s forum will provide detailed insight into how to overcome inherent risks in the market and the importance of educating all stakeholders involved. This is the only event you need to attend in 2013 to learn about opportunities for maximising sales and diversifying your portfolio for the emerging markets of Europe.
The event will be May 23 2013 in Warsaw, Poland at the InterContinental Hotel.
For more information visit: http://www.eelevents.co.uk/emerging_european_investment_products_2013/