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The First Congress of Lithuanists “Integration – Dialogue – Perspectives”

April 25, 2013 - Example Author - Bez kategorii



Three scientific clubs at the University of Wrocław: the Lithuanists, the Librarians, and the Diplomats, as well as the College of Eastern Europe have organised the First Congress of Lithuanists “Integration – Dialogue – Perspectives”.

In Poland, places where the Lithuanian language is taught are scattered throughout the country and the students do not know each other. The conference will be the opportunity to meet and integrate young scientists from five major universities (from Warsaw, Krakow, Olsztyn, Poznan and Wrocław).

The lectures will be conducted in two panels: the first about linguistics and literature, and the second about politics and history. From the submitted applications only selected will be presented. Please send your applications until 10th May to: labas.wroclaw@gmail.com.

The congress will be on 7th June in Wrocław. For more information on our web page (only in Polish) visit: http://labaswroclaw.wordpress.com/ and on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/386938151420778/

See you in Wrocław! Iki pasimatymo!


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